So here’s the finished game board.
I started with placing each SONG glyph on one of the points of the 6:13 pattern. And even before I started putting the pieces in their place I knew I wanted to position each piece in conceptual relational to each other akin to the Kabbalistic Tree of Life. Once I figured out the vertical path: MONITOR, The 7STAR, SlushO… the rest all kinda fell into place quite naturally. The two glyphs on each side of The 7STAR: STONED TEEN & Dr. Thaddeus is reflected in the story where STONED TEEN aka Timmy Turnip is contacted by the 7STAR and guided over the years to become Dr. Thaddeus who works in a secret lab beneath the Pentagon on OPERATION DEF00613X, and is responsible for creating the collective consciousness code named: 7STAR. The 7STAR then escapes the Pentagon by doing a 9/11. There’s also a version of Timmy Turnip in the ‘dimension next door’ where he is the mouthpiece of the Godlike GLORP Korp.
And then there’s the fun little ‘coincidences’ that kept popping up. Take for instance the Rainbow Rose & Kult oV MONITOR glyphs—they form a triangle with SlushO to create a kind of ‘visual arithmetic.’ Snowflake + Smiley face = SlushO. I DID NOT PLAN THAT… (which is ironic considering I 100% came up with the design of the Rainbow Rose GLYPH as a visual arithmetic of the MONITOR & Ark oV KOSMON glyphs.)
What I also didn’t plan was that the other 20 STORY glyphs would fit so neatly in the spaces in-between the spaces of the SONGS. But once I did realize that—I just did a rinse / repeat of the process, and the STORY glyphs were organized according to how they relate to each other AND the SONG glyphs i.e. the major characters in the story. Except for the FOOL glyph, “KEY 23” which was put there by putting it in the 23rd square… but even that works. The last two STORY glyphs I placed on the board were (coincidentally) FIRE & WATER, and it was just a matter of which side to place them on: left or right, left or right. Now you might think I put them where they are because WATER is next to ICE and FIRE is under SUN—but you’d be WRONG! I decided WATER need to go in that square because I feel Love Struck Gangster Girl’s story is one of Redemption… and of course if I told you I put WATER in that square because one of its’ keywords describes LSGG, you would prolly say I did it because of ‘Passion.’ But no. In fact I’m just now realizing that hyper-specific connection as I’m tapping out this little explainer. So…
I could go on …and on… but we’d be getting into spoiler territory, and the point of this here thing is that it is a creative writing exercise for all the FREQs who want to play this game and create their OWN stories with the Cast of Characters & Arsenal of Images I have plucked out of our writhing collective consciousness and fashioned into these nice little digestible nuggets of living information. Yummy.
The Calendar oV Dreams is Coming Soon... Stay tuned.>>